ormosg Felhasználó Statisztika

Itt járt: 9 hete
Regisztráció:2016-07-01 20:18:42
Airdate nézet:Saját, Arányos
Oldal nyelve:Magyar
WhatNext azonosító:19593

373 felvett sorozat (0 aktív), összesen 9294 évad ami 20566 epizód

ormosg sorozatai 373 db

Utoljára megtekintett epizódok

Cápák között 16. rész 7x16 25 hete
Boku no Hero Academia Let You Down 7x05 27 hete
Warrior No Time for F... Chemistry 3x03 28 hete
Warrior Whiskey and Sticky and All the Rest Can Wait 3x05 28 hete
Warrior A Soft Heart Won't Do You No Favors 3x06 28 hete
Warrior Gotta Be Crooked to Get Along in a Crooked World 3x07 28 hete
Warrior You Know When You're Losing a Fight 3x08 28 hete
Warrior All of Death is Going Home 3x09 28 hete
Warrior A Window of F*cking Opportunity 3x10 28 hete
Warrior In Chinatown, No One Thinks About Forever 3x04 28 hete
Warrior Exactly the Wrong Time to Get Proud 3x01 28 hete
Warrior Anything Short of a Blow to the Head 3x02 28 hete
Young Sheldon A Weiner Schnitzel and Underwear in a Tree 7x01 28 hete
Young Sheldon A Roulette Wheel and a Piano Playing Dog 7x02 28 hete
Young Sheldon A Strudel and a Hot American Boy Toy 7x03 28 hete
Young Sheldon Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker 7x04 28 hete
Young Sheldon A Frankenstein's Monster and a Crazy Church Guy 7x05 28 hete
Young Sheldon Baptists, Catholics and an Attempted Drowning 7x06 28 hete
Young Sheldon A Proper Wedding and Skeletons in the Closet 7x07 28 hete
Young Sheldon An Ankle Monitor and a Big Plastic Crap House 7x08 28 hete
Young Sheldon A Fancy Article and a Scholarship for a Baby 7x09 28 hete
Young Sheldon Community Service and the Key to a Happy Marriage 7x10 28 hete
Young Sheldon A Little Snip and Teaching Old Dogs 7x11 28 hete
Young Sheldon A New Home and a Traditional Texas Torture 7x12 28 hete
Young Sheldon Funeral 7x13 28 hete
Young Sheldon Memoir 7x14 28 hete
Young Sheldon A German Folk Song and an Actual Adult 6x17 28 hete
Young Sheldon Little Green Men and a Fella's Marriage Proposal 6x18 28 hete
Young Sheldon A New Weather Girl and a Stay-at-Home Coddler 6x19 28 hete
Young Sheldon German for Beginners and a Crazy Old Man with a Bat 6x20 28 hete

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