norb993 Felhasználó Statisztika

Itt járt: 211 hete
Regisztráció:2014-04-13 16:39:13
Airdate nézet:Saját, Havi
Oldal nyelve:Magyar
WhatNext azonosító:12828

146 felvett sorozat (0 aktív), összesen 564 évad ami 7748 epizód

norb993 sorozatai 146 db

Utoljára megtekintett epizódok

The Magicians (2015) Word As Bond 2x08 211 hete
The Magicians (2015) Plan B 2x07 211 hete
The Magicians (2015) The Cock Barrens 2x06 211 hete
The Magicians (2015) Cheat Day 2x05 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) The Flying Forest 2x04 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Divine Elimination 2x03 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Hotel Spa Potions 2x02 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Knight of Crowns 2x01 212 hete
Succession Vaulter 2x02 212 hete
Succession Hunting 2x03 212 hete
Succession Safe Room 2x04 212 hete
Succession Tern Haven 2x05 212 hete
Succession Argestes 2x06 212 hete
Succession Return 2x07 212 hete
Succession Dundee 2x08 212 hete
Succession DC 2x09 212 hete
Succession This Is Not For Tears 2x10 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Unauthorized Magic 1x01 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) The Source of Magic 1x02 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Consequences of Advanced Spellcasting 1x03 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) The World in the Walls 1x04 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Mendings, Major and Minor 1x05 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Impractical Applications 1x06 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) The Mayakovsky Circumstances 1x07 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) The Strangled Heart 1x08 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) The Writing Room 1x09 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Homecoming 1x10 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Remedial Battle Magic 1x11 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Thirty-Nine Graves 1x12 212 hete
The Magicians (2015) Have You Brought Me Little Cakes 1x13 212 hete

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