smoke1971 Felhasználó Statisztika

Itt járt: 3 napja
Regisztráció:2014-04-10 17:37:55
Airdate nézet:Mind, Havi
Oldal nyelve:Magyar
WhatNext azonosító:12794

158 felvett sorozat (0 aktív), összesen 8615 évad ami 12885 epizód

smoke1971 sorozatai 158 db

Utoljára megtekintett epizódok

Dragon Ball Kai Don't Underestimate a Super Saiyan! Vegeta and Goku's Full Throttle Power! 2x11 13 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Who is the World's Greatest?! A Battle Royal Match to Decide!! 2x12 13 hete
Dragon Ball Kai The Fearsome Children!! #18's Great Struggle 2x13 13 hete
Dragon Ball Kai The Star Performer Takes the Stage! Take Down the Demon King!! 2x14 13 hete
Dragon Ball Kai I'm the Strongest! The Clash of Goku vs Vegeta 2x16 13 hete
Dragon Ball Kai A Wicked Heart is Revived, Vegeta, the Prince of Destruction! 2x15 13 hete
Dragon Ball Kai A Slithering Conspiracy!! Secrets of the Terrible Majin 2x09 15 hete
Dragon Ball Kai What's the Matter, Piccolo?! An Unexpected Conclusion to the First Round 2x07 15 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Videl is Worn Ragged, Gohan's Anger at its Limits!! 2x08 15 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Everyone is Shocked! Goten and Trunks' Super Battle!! 2x05 15 hete
Dragon Ball Kai A Troubling Premonition! The Appearance of a Mysterious Warrior!! 2x06 15 hete
Dragon Ball Kai The Dragon Team, All Assembled! Son Goku has Returned!! 2x04 15 hete
Dragon Ball Kai The Heinous Mage Babidi and King of the Underworld Dabra's Trap 2x10 15 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Gohan is the Teacher! Videl's Introduction to Flight 2x03 16 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Found Out! The New Hero is Son Gohan 2x02 16 hete
Dragon Ball Kai 7 Years Since That Event! Starting Today, Gohan's a High Schooler 2x01 16 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Farewell with a Smile! Heading for New Days... 1x97 16 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Bring Peace to the Future! Goku's Spirit is Eternal 1x98 16 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Combine Our Power! The Mightiest Final Kamehameha 1x96 16 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Fighting Spirit Free from Hesitation! Gohan, Pulverizes the Cell Juniors 1x93 17 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Bye-Bye Everyone! This is the Only Way to Save the Earth 1x95 17 hete
Dragon Ball Kai The Perfect Form Breaks Down! Explosion, the Super Iron Fist of Rage 1x94 17 hete
Dragon Ball Kai The Tears that Disappeared into the Sky! The Angry Super Awakening of Gohan 1x92 18 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Get Angry Gohan! Release Your Dormant Power 1x91 18 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Conclusion to the Death Match! Time for Goku's Decision 1x90 18 hete
Dragon Ball Kai A Battle of the Highest Level! Defeat Cell, Son Goku 1x89 18 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Decisive Battle! Cell vs Son Goku 1x88 19 hete
Dragon Ball Kai Satan's Legion Runs Wild! The Curtain Rises on the Cell Games 1x87 19 hete
Dragon Ball Kai A New God! The Dragon Balls are Finally Revived 1x86 19 hete
Dragon Ball Kai An Interrupted Rest! The Self-Defense Army, Launches a General Offensive Against Cell 1x85 19 hete

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