Baldrick Felhasználó Statisztika

Itt járt: 2 hete
Regisztráció:2014-01-19 10:16:30
Airdate nézet:Saját, Havi
Oldal nyelve:Magyar
WhatNext azonosító:11960

113 felvett sorozat (2 aktív), összesen 2450 évad ami 7651 epizód

▌Lost ■ Dexter ■ 24 ■ Spartacus ■ NFL▐

Baldrick sorozatai 113 db

Utoljára megtekintett epizódok

Around the World with Willy Fog Bon Voyage 1x02 6 hete
Around the World with Willy Fog The Wager 1x01 6 hete
Homeland Prisoners of War 8x12 8 hete
Homeland The English Teacher 8x11 8 hete
Homeland Designated Driver 8x10 8 hete
Homeland In Full Flight 8x09 9 hete
Homeland Threnody(s) 8x08 9 hete
Homeland F**ker Shot Me 8x07 9 hete
Homeland Two Minutes 8x06 9 hete
Homeland Chalk Two Down 8x05 9 hete
Homeland Chalk One Up 8x04 9 hete
Homeland False Friends 8x03 10 hete
Homeland Catch and Release 8x02 10 hete
Homeland Deception Indicated 8x01 10 hete
Homeland Paean to the People 7x12 10 hete
Homeland All In 7x11 10 hete
Homeland Clarity 7x10 10 hete
Homeland Useful Idiot 7x09 11 hete
Homeland Lies, Amplifiers, F**king Twitter 7x08 11 hete
Homeland Andante 7x07 11 hete
Homeland Species Jump 7x06 11 hete
Homeland Active Measures 7x05 11 hete
Homeland Like Bad at Things 7x04 12 hete
Homeland Standoff 7x03 12 hete
Homeland Rebel Rebel 7x02 12 hete
Homeland Enemy of the State 7x01 12 hete
Homeland America First 6x12 12 hete
Homeland R is for Romeo 6x11 12 hete
Homeland The Flag House 6x10 12 hete
Homeland Sock Puppets 6x09 12 hete

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